Mt. Shioji-1

Mt. Shioji

Mt. Shioji is a general term for four mountains: Mt. Ogi, the highest peak and around it, Mt. Iwaya, Mt. Mizugame and Mt. Obaru. Here lie the Ruins of Ono-jo, an ancient mountain fortress designated as a Special Historic Site by the national government. It straddles Umi Town, Onojo City and Dazaifu City, but about 80% of the castle is located in Umi Town, including its largest stone wall, the Hyakken Ishigaki stone wall, the Zochoten foundation stone group, and Bishamondo temple.

Location data

Shioji Kenmin-no-mori 

The Kenmin-no-mori nature park opened in 1976. Delight in the changing seasons with flowers in spring, the bright greens of early summer, autumn leaves and wild birds, even forest bathing. Other attractions include an athletics field for children and a exhibition hall to learn about the forest. 

Parking: Yes / Toilets: Yes / Water station: Yes / Camping: No

Sightseeing information

  • Hyakken Ishigaki stone wall

    Hyakken Ishigaki stone wall

    The longest stone wall of the Ruin of Ono-jo at 180m in total, it is built as an "all-stone" structure with stones also piled up inside it. Some gaps were left to drain water, likely meaning the wall was part of a sluice gate.

  • Obana foundation stones (Yakigomegahara)

    Obana foundation stones (Yakigomegahara)

    Located at the southern summit of Ono-jo. From a nearby earth mound, you can look out to Kyushu National Museum and the ruins of Kii-jo. Here we find the remains of 10 stone buildings, and near one of these is a large collection of charred black rice. 

  • Bishamondo temple

    Bishamondo temple

    While normally draped in silence, on January 3, from dawn to noon, the "Shioji Bishamon Pilgrimage (Umi Town Intangible Folk Heritage)" is held, attracting crowds of worshippers. Worshippers borrow saisen (money offered to the god) from a tray placed in front of the temple building and go home, then return double the amount of money at the same time the following year. They then borrow new saisen to take home. It is believed that this act ensures you will not have money troubles for the year.


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