Koishiwara Ceramics Museum


  • Koishiwara Ceramics Museum-0
  • Koishiwara Ceramics Museum-0
  • Koishiwara Ceramics Museum-1

Koishiwara-yaki pottery is a type of folk craft pottery, with over 350 years of history, and was designated as the first traditional craft in Japan. It is characterized by unique techniques such as ’tobikanna’ and ’hakeme.’ At the Koishiwara Ceramics, you can see the history of Koishiwara-yaki, and profiles of 44 kilns in the area and enjoy exhibition of both new and classic pottery works. They also have a pottery-making corner which has become popular. In May and October, Spring and Autumn folk pottery festivals are held. Visitors can purchase potteries with discounted prices. (There are also other events around the seasons of rhododendrons and fall leaves, etc.)

*About the building
Size: area of 1.123㎡
Available(Reservation is required)
Fees: Differs depending on the type of experience
*Barrier free
Wheelchair-exclusive parking area/
wheelchair-exclusive toilet/guide dogs permitted

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 838-1601 福岡県朝倉郡東峰村小石原730-9
Address 730-9 Koishiwara, Toho Village, Asakura County
Telephone Number 0946-74-2266(小石原焼伝統産業会館)
Fax Number 0946-74-2266
Open 9:00~17:00
Closed Tuesdays (If Tuesday falls on a national holiday, the following day will be the closing day.)
Dec.28 to Jan.4
Car Park 140 vehicles (bus parking available)
Access From Ryochiku Kotsu Bus ”Koishiwara City Hall” 10 minute walk/
from JR Hikosan Station 10 minutes by car/ 20 minutes by car from Haki IC on the Oita Expressway
Website https://densan2266part1.jimdofree.com/

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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