[Forest Therapy Base Sasaguri] Jugei no Mori Course


Jyugei no Mori Park is a place where visitors can enjoy the abundant greenery of Sasaguri. It is used as a spot for recreation and bird watching. Near Jugei no Mori Park is the huge "Narubuchi Dam," 67 meters high and 308 meters wide, with an observatory from which a full view of the powerful dam can be seen. Upstream of the dam is the "Goto-no-taki Waterfall," a five-tiered waterfall that looks like water dropped from a five-story pagoda. The clear waterfalls reflect the changing colors of the four seasons: cherry blossoms in spring, fresh greenery in summer, and autumn leaves in fall.

Start: JR Chikuzen Yamate Station
Goal: JR Chikuzen Yamate Station
Distance: 10.3 km round trip (about 2 hours and 30 minutes)
Elevation: Approx. 380 m
Elevation difference: Approx. 310 m

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 811-2405 福岡県糟屋郡篠栗町篠栗(JR筑前山手駅)
Address Sasaguri, Sasaguri-machi, Kasuya-gun (JR Chikuzen Yamate Station)
Telephone Number 092-947-1217(篠栗町産業観光課)
Contact Sasaguri Town Industry and Tourism Division
Website https://sasaguri-therapy.jp/
Course Information

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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