[Forest Therapy Base Sasaguri] Hydrangea Course


This is a walking course through the forest from JR Chikuzen Yamate Station up to the Arata Plateau, and from there through the Hebitani Line Forest Road to the "Taisogu Kamimiya" on Wakasugi Mountain. The hydrangea road along the course will soothe your soul with colorful flowers. After the rainy season is over, visitors can enjoy the autumn leaves in fall. At the goal point, "Taisogu Jogu," there is "Scissors Rock," through which only good people can pass, and Okunoin Temple where the famous water "Tokko Sui" (Tokko water) springs. This is a course where you can enjoy the nature and feel the history at the same time.

Start: JR Chikuzen Yamate Station
Goal: Taiso Jinja Jogu
Distance: 7.34 km one way (about 2 hours and 10 minutes)
Elevation: Approx. 670m
Difference in elevation: approx. 597m

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 福岡県糟屋郡篠栗町篠栗(JR筑前山手駅)
Address Sasaguri, Sasaguri Town, Kasuya County (JR Chikuzen Yamate Station)
Telephone Number 092-947-1217(篠栗町産業観光課)
Contact Sasaguri Town Industry and Tourism Division
Car Park There are no parking lots near JR Chikuzen Yamate Station, the starting point of the event, so please use public transportation.
Website https://sasaguri-therapy.jp/
Course Information

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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