[Forest Therapy Base Sasaguri] Arata Round Tour Course


This is a circular course through the Kayagakura Forest Road, passing Wakasugi Taisogu Shrine Kamimiya - Komenoyama Summit - Komoreyonomori Forest, and then to the Arata Plateau.
The cedar trees seen along the Kayagakura Forest Road are multi-tiered forests, with towering large trees lined with lower trees, forming two or more layers between the towering trees.
The view from the 594-meter-high Komenoyama Observatory offers a spectacular panoramic view of Fukuoka City and Hakata Bay. The total distance of the course is 10 km and takes about 3 hours, but you will feel a great sense of accomplishment when you finish the walk.

Start: Arata Plateau
Goal: Arata Plateau
Distance: 10 km (about 3 hours)
Elevation: Approximately 530 meters
Difference in elevation: approximately 186m

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 811-2405 福岡県糟屋郡篠栗町篠栗2672(荒田高原)
Address 2672 Sasaguri, Sasaguri-machi, Kasuya-gun (Arata Plateau)
Telephone Number 092-947-1217(篠栗町産業観光課)
Contact Sasaguri Town Industry and Tourism Division
Car Park Arata Plateau
Website https://sasaguri-therapy.jp/
Course Information

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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