[Forest Therapy Base Yame] A Walk to a Spring and a Small Island


Departing from the hotel, the road passes by a group of cottages and heads toward Zenzo Pond.
The road passes by large konara oak trees and leads to Yamanaka Pond, which is surrounded by relatively old broadleaf trees that provide a windbreak to the surface of the lake, creating a still water surface and a beautiful scene of fresh greenery in spring and autumn leaves in fall. From the pathway along the pond to the small island connected by a bridge, the contrast between the trees and the water in each season is beautiful, creating a landscape similar to a circular garden.

Start: Kutsurogi-no-Mori Greenpia Yame
Goal: Kutsurogi-no-Mori Greenpia Yame
Distance: 1.83 km
Elevation: Approx. 420 to 464 meters



Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 福岡県八女市黒木町木屋10905
Address 10905 Kiya, Kurogi-machi, Yame City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Telephone Number 0943-42-1112(八女市役所 黒木支所 地域振興係)
Contact Yame City Office, Kurogi Branch, Community Development Section
Car Park Kutsurogi-no-Mori Greenpia Yame
Website https://www.city.yame.fukuoka.jp/forest_base/kichi.html

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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