[Forest Therapy Base Ukiha]Tsuzura Terraced Rice Field Walkway


The Tsudzura Rice Terrace Walk is a walking course through the 400-year-old Tsudzura rice terraces, which have been selected as one of the 100 best rice terraces in Japan. The 300 terraced rice paddies are spread out over the entire area, and visitors can see the various faces of the landscape, such as when the rice is flooded before planting, when the rice has grown to a golden color, and when the entire area is covered with white snow.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 福岡県うきは市浮羽町新川3110
Address 3110 Niikawa, Ukiha-machi, Ukiha City
Car Park Tsuzura Terraced Rice Field Parking Lot
Access 30 minutes drive from Haki IC of Oita Expressway.
Website https://ukihalove.jp/

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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