[Forest Therapy Base Buzen] Toriihata Satoyama walking course


The rural landscape of Kubote has been selected as one of the country's important cultural landscapes, and the view from the terraced stone-piled paddy fields and the hilltop provides a unique satoyama landscape. Visitors can enjoy the nostalgic scenery while looking at Mt. Kubote, and enjoy seasonal flowers and trees such as mitsumata and cherry blossoms.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 福岡県豊前市篠瀬57-2(スタート・ゴール:卜仙の郷)
Address 57-2 Shinose, Buzen City (Start/Goal: Bokusen-no-sato)
Telephone Number 0979-82-8085(豊前市商工観光課観光振興係)
Contact Tourism Promotion Section, Commerce, Industry and Tourism Division, Buzen City
Car Park Start/Goal: Tosen-no-sato
Website What is Forest Therapy?

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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