Fukuoka / Kyushu UD Information Center ( at Fukuoka Airport Domestic Terminal)

福岡空港国内線ターミナル「しょうがい者・こうれい者 観光案内所」

Fukuoka/Kyushu UD Information Center was established on 15th of November, 2019.
We support all the visitors, seniors and people with disabilities, such as wheelchair uses, visual and hearing impairments, mentally disabled people, also people who need nursing, children and foreign tourists, and help them enjoy traveling safely.


Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 812-0003 福岡県福岡市博多区下臼井778-1 福岡空港国内線ターミナルビル到着口北すぐ横
Address 778-1, Shimousui, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City
Next to the north arrival gate at Fukuoka Airport Domestic Terminal Bldg.
Telephone Number 092-624-0888
Fax Number 092-624-0888
Open 10:00-18:00
Closed None
Website https://ud-kyushu.jp/en/my-front-page-en-u/
Wheelchair and Stroller Rental Reservation Inquiry Form

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

Wheelchairs and strollers rental delivery service Wheelchairs and strollers rental delivery service

If you need, we can deliver wheelchairs and strollers to hotels along the subway stations in Hakata/Tenjin districts for rental. (charged service, reservation required).

Delivery to or return from hotels : 1,000 yen
Delivery to and return from hotels : 2,000 yen

  • Wheelchair-0


    Width: approx. 65 cm (when used), approx. 35cm (when folded)
    Overall height: approx. 85cm
    Overall height (with foldable grip): approx. 60cm
    Front and rear: approx. 1m
    Weight: approx. 14kg

    (Fee) 1,000 yen per day (tax included)

  • Stroller-1


    Type A: Suitable for newborns who have not yet settled on their backs to about 2 years old. Reclining function available.

    Type B: Suitable for infants from 7 months to 2 years old. No reclining function.

    (Fee) 1,000 yen per day (tax included)

  • Delivery service-2

    Delivery service

    If you need, we can deliver wheelchairs and strollers to hotels along the subway stations in Hakata/Tenjin districts for rental. (charged service, reservation required).

    Delivery to or return from hotels : 1,000 yen
    Delivery to and return from hotels : 2,000 yen

Payment Payment

Cashless payments are accepted at the counter. Please refer to the below for possible payment types. (Note : Payment for delivery services should be made by cash (Japanese yen only.))


Fukuoka Area
Tourist Information

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