Iizuka Sports Resort The Retreat


Refresh your body and mind in a healthy way while moving yoru body surrounded by nature!

This hotel and glamping facility is based on a theme of nature and wellness. Guests can enjoy glamping and barbecues in a relaxed, natural environment, while refreshing themselves with such activities as tennis, yoga, or hiking. The facility offers four types of accommodations. There is the Mountain Lodge, recommended for groups and families, complete with a loft and air conditioning (hotel building), the Journey Tents with bathrooms and showers, the American vintage Airstream luxury camping trailers, and the Outlook Cabins (cottages) with builtin jacuzzis.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 820-0115 福岡県飯塚市仁保8-37
Address 8-37 Niho, Iizuka City, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 0948-82-3177
Open Open 24 hours
Closed Open year round
Price Akasaki Beef Burger 800 yen, Coffee 400 yen, etc.
Car Park 25 spaces
Access About 15 minutes by taxi from JR Shin-Iizuka Station
Website https://the-retreat.jp/

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


Chikuho Area
Campground Accommodations Restaurants Accommodations Outdoors FRIENDLY INN

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