Kora Taisha Shrine


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Kora Taisha Shrine is a prestigious, and the largest shrine in the region as the first shrine in Chikugo. It is an Engishiki-nai Myojin Taisha (a shrine dedicated to specific gods under the Engishiki Code), and one of the former second-ranked, larger shrines. Its dedicated god, Kora Tamatare no Mikoto, is said to have been bestowed the highest rank by the Imperial Court. Its sanctuary was built in 400 A.D. (First Year of Emperor Richu) for the first time while older ritual sites remain in a mountain. Kora Taisha Shrine is one of the oldest shrines in Kyushu, and used to be honored as a mausoleum of Kyushu. It is especially deeply worshiped by people in the Chikugo and Hizen Areas. Worshipers are famously thought to be blessed with warding off bad luck and prolonging life. The current sanctuary is designated as a significant cultural asset by the government, and is one of the largest sanctuaries in Kyushu. Kora Taisha Shrine is also well-known as a Government-Designated Historical Landmark, Korasan Kogoishi in a mountain.

About the building: Government-Designated Significant Cultural Asset; Built in 1660 (Manji 3)

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 839-0851 福岡県久留米市御井町1
Address 1 Miimachi, Kurume City, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 0942-43-4893(高良大社)
Fax Number 0942-43-4936
Website http://www.kourataisya.or.jp/index.html

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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