Kanmon Strait Museum(Kaikyo Dramaship)


  • Kanmon Strait Museum(Kaikyo Dramaship)-0
  • Kanmon Strait Museum(Kaikyo Dramaship)-0
  • Kanmon Strait Museum(Kaikyo Dramaship)-1
  • Kanmon Strait Museum(Kaikyo Dramaship)-2
  • Kanmon Strait Museum(Kaikyo Dramaship)-3
  • Kanmon Strait Museum(Kaikyo Dramaship)-4
  • Kanmon Strait Museum(Kaikyo Dramaship)-5
  • Kanmon Strait Museum(Kaikyo Dramaship)-6

Overlooking the magnificent Kanmon Channel, Kaikyo Dramaship was built as the core facility of the Mojiko Retro District and offers a dramatic introduction to the history of the channel as well as the nature and culture surrounding it.
Hanging in the open air between the second and fourth floors is the Channel Atrium, which was constructed based on the shape of the sea bed. The atrium dynamically depicts the fantastic history of the Kanmon Channel, inviting visitors to take a intriguing journey through time and space.
In addition, Kaikyo Dramaship features the Channel Retro Street (where buildings and streets from the Taisho Era [1912-1926] are recreated), the Channel History Gallery, the Real Time Kanmon Channel, the Channel Kids Plaza, the Citizens’ Exchange Gallery and the Channel Restaurant.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 801-0841 福岡県北九州市門司区西海岸1-3-3
Address 1-3-3 Nishi-kaigan, Moji Ward, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 093-331-6700(関門海峡ミュージアム(海峡ドラマシップ))
Contact Kaikyo Dramaship
Fax Number 093-331-6702
Closed Open year-round
Price Adult - 500 Yen, Elementary and Junior High School Students - 200 Yen
Car Park About 200 vehicles; 200 Yen per hour
Access By train - A 5 minute walk from JR Mojiko Station on the Kagoshima Main Line
By car - About an 8 minutes from the Moji Interchange off the Kyushu Expressway
Website https://mojiko-retroinfo.com/spot/kanmon_strait_museum/

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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