Mekari Shrine


  • Mekari Shrine-0

The wife of Chuai (the 14th Emperor of Japan), Empress Jingu, came here sometime during the legendary military invasion of Korea in the 3rd century. She had Mekari Shrine built as a way of giving thanks to the gods to whom she was indebtted.
Mekari means “cutting seaweed” in Japanese. Every lunar New Year’s Day, the Mekari Ceremony takes place, in which three priests (each holding either a torch, a pail, or a gardening blade) enter the ocean to cut seaweed and offer it to the shrine.

*About the Shrine: Municipal Intangible Cultural Asset (Mekari Shrine rituals); Municipal Tangible Cultural Asset (nine ancient texts). Generally not open to the public; occasionally opened for the purposes of research or inspection. Built in 149 AD. Area of Grounds - 6,612 square meters (71,166 square feet)
*Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible bathrooms near the shrine; guide dogs permitted.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 801-0855 福岡県北九州市門司区門司3492
Address 3492 Moji, Moji Ward, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 093-321-0749(和布刈神社)
Contact Mekari Shrine
Car Park Available: 50 vehicles (bus parking available)
Access By bus - from JR Mojiko Station, take a Nishitetsu bus to the Mekari Jinja Mae stop (limited number of buses run to this area)

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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