Worship Sanctuary at Hikosan Jingu Shrine


The worship sanctuary at Hikosan Jingu Shrine was a large lecture hall at Reisenji Temple in the time of mountain asceticism and is now a Government-Designated Important Cultural Asset. Said to have been originally built in 740, the current structure was rebuilt in the early Edo Era (1616) using a donation made by the feudal lord of the Kokura domain at the time, Hosokawa Tadaoki. Although the shrine employs an ancient form of Japanese construction, it includes Chinese patterns in places, and the magnificence of its large dimensions and scale along with its subtle attention to details gives it an imposing sense.

*About the Building: Government-Designated Important Cultural Asset

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 824-0721 福岡県田川郡添田町英彦山1番地
Address Hikosan, Soeda Town, Tagawa County, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 0947-85-0001(英彦山神宮)
Contact Hikosan Jingu Shrine
Car Park 80 vehicles
Access By train and bus - From JR Hikosan Station on the Hita Hikosan Line, take a Soeda Town Bus to the Jingu Shita stop (25 minutes); 15 minute walk from there
Website https://hikosanjingu.or.jp/

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


  • Road approaching Hikosan Shrine-0

    Road approaching Hikosan Shrine

    Mt. Hiko, located on the border between Soeda Town in Tagawa District and Oita Prefecture, has long been revered as a sacred mountain where gods and Buddha reside. The approach to the shrine is steeped in deep history and continues to attract many worshippers to this day. Along the stone steps leading to the worship sanctuary, the flowers of the mitsumata (Oriental paperbush) bloom from March to May, and the beautiful autumn foliage can be seen from early to late November.

  • Kane no Torii gate-1

    Kane no Torii gate

    The bronze torii gate was built in 1637 by Katsushige Nabeshima, lord of the Saga Domain, and is rare in Japan. It was designated as a National Important Cultural Property in 1939.


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