Tanada Shinsui Park


Tanada Shinsui Park is a little oasis where visitors can douse in the pure and fresh river water of Hoshuyama.
The swimming pool created here utilizing the natural current is a very popular amenity among families with children. Other attractive features include woodcraft trial lessons at the hall, the open area with a playground, kiosks, shops, and restaurants. It makes a very convenient destination for a family or a group on vacation.
The pool is only open from July 1st to August 31st, closed for maintenance on Thursdays. Enjoy the natural river current of Hoshuyama.
Many fireflies flock the region from late May to June; a firefly festival is held during this season as well.
The park is situated in the midst of 400-year old terrace fields selected as one of the top 100 sceneries of terrace fields in Japan.
* Trial lesson
Woodcraft trial lesson available
Fee: woodcraft tools - 800yen, 500yen
* Universally accessible
Universally accessible restrooms and slopes

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 838-1701 福岡県朝倉郡東峰村宝珠山3100
Address Hoshuyama, Toho, Asakura District, Fukuoka Prefecture
Open 9am - 5pm (11am - 9pm for restaurant)
Price Free
Car Park Available: 50
Access 15 min by car from Haki Interchange. Toward Hoshuyama from the interchange, left at the light one after the Village Hall.
10 min-walk from JR Hita-Hikosan line Chikuzen-Iwaya Station toward Hoshuyama.

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


Fukuoka Area
Lakes, Rivers, Valleys & Waterfalls Parks Beaches & Swimming pools
Travel Inspiration
Swimming beaches and waterholes

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