Fukuoka City Yacht Harbor


  • Fukuoka City Yacht Harbor-0

Fukuoka City Yacht Harbor houses individually owned yachts. On Sundays during July and August, the harbor conducts yachting classes geared towards the general public. There are also weekend yacht races held almost year-round. Adjacent to Odo Park, the harbor offers a great natural environment.

*About the Harbor
-Dimensions: 53,000 square meters (570,487 square feet); houses 538 yachts
*Accessibility: Wheelchair-accessible bathrooms

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 819-0001 福岡県福岡市西区小戸3-58-1
Address 3-58-1 Odo, Nishi Ward, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 092-882-2151((財)福岡市港湾海浜管理センター)
Contact Fukuoka City Port, Harbor, and Beach Control Center
Open 9:30am - 6pm (April - September); 9am - 5pm (October - March)
Closed December 29 - January 1
Car Park Available; 94 vehicles (Can accommodate buses if spaces are unoccupied)
Access By train - A 25 minute walk or 5 minute drive from Meinohoma Station on Fukuoka City Subway’s Kuko Line
Website http://www6.ocn.ne.jp/~odo-yh/

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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