Raizan Sennyoji Daihioin Temple


Founded by an Indian Buddhist monk (known in Japanese as Seiga Shonin), Sennyoji Daihioin Temple flourished as an emporer-mandated temple. It played the important role of prayer temple for the Kamakura fuedal government, particularly during the Mongolian invasion attempts against Japan when 300 additional hospices were built on the mountain. The temple lies at the north of Mount Raizan’s midsection and is also called “the Kannon of Raizan”.
Visitors can enjoy viewing the many Buddhist statues (including the Government-Designated Important Cultural Assets “1,000-Armed Standing Kannon” and “Seated Seiga Shonin” statues, as well as the statues of two gods) and Shinji Garden.
The foliage on the 400-year-old giant maple (which is a Municipally-Designated Natural Monument) in mid-November is also spectacular.

*About the Temple: Said to have been built in 178 AD

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 819-1145 福岡県糸島市雷山626
Address 626 Raizan, Itoshima City, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 092-323-3547(千如寺大悲王院)
Contact Daihioin
Open 9am - 4:30pm
Price To view the statues: 400 Yen (includes a 100 Yen hiking charge)
Car Park 119 vehicles
Access By bus - 5 minute walk from Showa “Raizan Kanon Mae” Bus stop
Website http://www.sennyoji.or.jp/

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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