Sea of Clouds of Mt. Yaki


Enjoy the Fantastic Scenery of the Sea of Clouds of Mt. Yaki!

Mt. Yaki Observation Park in Iizuka City is located on the 228-meter-high Mt. Yaki Pass and is known as a viewpoint from which you can overlook the city.
This area is also known as a place where you can see a “sea of clouds” – a natural phenomenon in which the clouds look like the sea when viewed from above, such as from a mountain. This phenomenon often occurs in the early mornings of clear days when there is no wind and a big difference in temperature between day and night. It is most commonly seen in spring and autumn.
On Mt. Yaki, it can appear in the mornings following a rainy day in autumn, so be sure to get up early the day after it rains and visit Mt. Yaki Pass!
It’s located on Route 201 going from Fukuoka City towards Iizuka, as you are going down the mountain pass on the Iizuka City side. You can see the whole city from the viewing platform.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 820-0046 福岡県飯塚市大日寺
Address Dainichiji, Iizuka City
Telephone Number 0948-22-5517(飯塚市商工観光課)
Contact Iizuka City Commerce and Tourism Department
Car Park Yes (20 spaces)
Access 25 minutes by car from Shin-iizuka Station
Kyushu Expressway: 25 minutes from Fukuoka IC on Japan National Route 201 (towards Iizuka)

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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