A station that has stayed the same since its opening in the Meiji Era


  • A station that has stayed the same since its opening in the Meiji Era-0

Opened in 8/15/1895, this station building has stayed the same since when it was opened.
It is one of the oldest train station buildings in Kyushu, with a double roof showing just how old the building is. The station’s name from the era of the former Japan National Railways is also embellished which gives the station an aura of melancholy. An old train system called ”Tablet Jujuki”to avoid collision accidents is also interesting.

Time period: All year long

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 福岡県
Address Heisei Chikuho Railway Yusubaru Station
Telephone Number 0947-62-3000(赤村政策推進室企画係)
Contact Aka Village Policy and Promotion Section
Fax Number 0947-62-3007

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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