The personification of two prostitute sisters, ”Yurei-zakura”

遊女の化身 結麗桜

Long ago, there was a red light district called ”Shirou” in the inn town of Tanushimaru.
Two beautiful sisters named Yui and Rei were very popular in this district. Their only pleasure in life was gazing at cherry blossoms while sitting underneath a large cherry blossom on top of an ancient burial mound surrounded by a stone wall. On certain moonlit nights, large cherry blossom petals would scatter and dance around the two girls who loved the cherry blossoms. These petals absorbed a year’s worth of weariness from the girls, then returned to the branch where they would bloom. This tree, which bore such a sad secret, one day came to be called the ”Yurei-zakura” in this area. The tree itself is a 300-year old ’Taihaku’ cherry blossom, a rare type of Japanese cherry that bears only single blossoms. It is known for its large flowers which can be as large as 6~7cm in diameter. (Entry fee required.)

Time period: Early April

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 839-1212 福岡県久留米市田主丸町石垣3-11
Address 3-11 Ishigaki, Tanushimaru Town, Kurume city
Telephone Number 0943-72-2032(高山果樹園)
Contact Takayama Orchard Park
Access 15 minutes by car from Asakura IC, or 3.5km from JR Tanushimaru Station

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


Chikugo Area
Flowers & Plants

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