Senbutsu Cave


Limestone caves are bored out by underground water running through an area of limestone. The Senbutsu Cave is located on the extreme southeastern edge of Hiraodai: a steep slope overlooking Yukuhashi City some 300m above sea level. Senbutsu is the largest cave in Hiraodai, stretching roughly 900m in a northeasterly direction. The cave is shaped like a ravine, with a high, narrow ceiling. At its widest the cave is 10m across, and at its tallest the cave ceiling is 15m high. Near the entrance dangle about 30 individual stalactites of various sizes, offering an impressive scene. With an abundance of underground water, the cave walls continue to erode to this day.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 803-0186 福岡県北九州市小倉南区平尾台3-2-1
Address 2764 Greater Shindoji, Kokuraminami Ward
Telephone Number 093-451-0368(千仏鍾乳洞事務所)
Contact Department of Kitakyushu-shi people’s culture sports station culture culture Planning Division

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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