Kasuga Shrine


  • Kasuga Shrine-0

In the past, it was the ancestral deity of the Aso clan, the lord of Hanao Castle. However, it was relocated to the current location in 1604 (Keicho 9) when Nagamasa Kuroda built Kurosaki Castle. A color painting on silk depicting the twenty-four horsemen of Kuroda (Kuroda Nijuyonki) is kept at the shrine as its treasure.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 806-0022 福岡県北九州市八幡西区藤田1-10-44
Address 1-10-44 Fujita, Yahatanishi Ward, Kitakyushu City
Telephone Number 093-631-2152(春日神社)
Contact Kasuga Shrine
Access Approximately a 10-minute walk from JR Kurosaki Station.
Website http://www.city.kitakyushu.lg.jp/yahatanishi/file_0037.html

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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