Oak Leaf (the main store of a confectionary store, Daifuku)

オークリーフ(菓舗だいふく 本店)

  • Oak Leaf (the main store of a confectionary store, Daifuku)-0
  • Oak Leaf (the main store of a confectionary store, Daifuku)-0
  • Oak Leaf (the main store of a confectionary store, Daifuku)-1
  • Oak Leaf (the main store of a confectionary store, Daifuku)-2
  • Oak Leaf (the main store of a confectionary store, Daifuku)-3
  • Oak Leaf (the main store of a confectionary store, Daifuku)-4

Since its release of 40 years ago, the Oak Leaf has been produced with same ingredients and processes. The size is also same. The process of rolling up the dough and slicing it by hand can’t help but make it the size. As well as the size, the unchanged flavor has been loved by many people.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 836-0842 福岡県大牟田市有明町2-1-3
Address 2-1-3 Ariake Town, Omuta City, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 0944-53-3333(菓舗だいふく 本店)
Contact the main store of a confectionary store, Daifuku
Fax Number 0944-52-5450
Open 8am - 8pm
Closed None
Price Oak Leaf: 158 yen
*Credit cards are not accepted.
Car Park Available
Access About a 5 minute walk from JR Omuta Station on the Kagoshima Main Line

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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