Marumitsu Sunyo Corporation


Marumitsu Sunyo Corporation was founded in 1932 (Showa 7). Marumitsu Sunyo Corporation built factories in Yame City and manufactures processed products using local specialties mainly in Kyushu. Starting with fruits from agricultural production areas, canned chestnuts and bamboo sprouts are sold by this company. The products can be shipped all over the country, and, during the season of year-end gifts, Marumitsu Sunyo Corporation receives a rush of orders. The most popular product is the Amanatsu Mikan, a canned sweet summer orange from Kumamoto. The sweet summer orange grown in Ashikita area in Kumamoto is packed with honey creating a harmony between sour and sweet tastes. It is said to be enjoyed by even a person who don’t like sweets. The other recommendation is the Amanatsu Jelly which fresh sweet summer orange is processed. The sweet jelly in which sweet summer orange’s particular acridity remains is addictive making it one of the factory’s hit products.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 834-0082 福岡県八女市立花町兼松1634
Address 1634 Kanematsu, Tachibana Town, Yame City, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 0120-335-456(マルミツサンヨー(0943-37-1131))
Contact Marumitsu Sunyo (Tel: 0943-37-1131)
Open 9am - 5pm
Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays
(May closed without notice)
Price Sweet Summer Orange Jelly (155 grams/12 jellies): 1,200 yen
Sweet Summer Orange Jelly (155 grams/24 jellies): 2,400 yen
Canned Sweet Summer Orange (No.7 can/12 cans in a presentation box): 3,200 yen
※Credit cards not accepted
Car Park Available
Access About a 15 minute drive toward Yame on Route 3 from the Yame Interchange off the Kyushu Expressway

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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