NTT Moji Telecommunication Museum


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  • NTT Moji Telecommunication Museum-0
  • NTT Moji Telecommunication Museum-1

Erected in 1924 as the Telecommunications Division Building for the former Ministry of Posts and Communications’ Moji Post Office, this was the first building in Moji to be constructed with reinforced concrete. With parabolic arches and vertical lines as its theme, the building has a very high ceiling and continues to convey its sophisticated, Taisho Era modernity.
The first floor is the Telecommunication museum, where visitors will find telephones and telecommunication devices dating from the Meiji Era (starting in 1868) to the present day. There are also corners where visitors can enjoy having conversations using (implementing) an old-fashioned switchboard, as well as learn the basics about how phone calls are connected.
In front of the museum stands a replica of the first public telephone booths completed in Kyobashi, Tokyo in 1900. The replica, however, was designed with a lighthouse as its model, reflecting the retro-feel of the port town of Moji!

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 801-0856 福岡県北九州市門司区浜町4-1
Address 4-1 Hama Town, Moji Ward, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 093-321-1199(NTT門司電気通信レトロ館)
Contact NTT Moji Denki Tsushin Retrokan
Open 9am - 5pm (Last admissions at 4:30pm)
Closed Mondays (Tuesday in case of a holiday); New Year’s Holiday
Price Free
Car Park Available; 7 vehicles (several paid parking lots in the surrounding area)
Access By train - About a 10 minute walk from JR Mojiko Station

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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