Kurume Kasuri


White patterns line the indigo blue cloth to create Kurume Kasuri, textiles dyed using a technique invented by a 12-year-old girl named Inoue Den in Kurume City over 200 years ago. The textiles are made by weaving white cotton yarn that has been knotted and dyed indigo blue. The unique patterns and textures gained common acceptance, and thanks to the efforts made by the Arima clan to protect the technique, it was able to undergo signifiant development. While it was used primarily by farmers in the past, there are now an abundant variety of products using the textiles (even wedding dresses!), and the style is well-liked by many people.

*Inoue Kasuri
32-28 Chuo-machi, Kurume-shi, Fukuoka
*Kano Nishodo (Momenya)
2-7-25 Saifu, Dazaifu-shi, Fukuoka

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 839-0809 福岡県久留米市東合川5-8-5(久留米地域地場産業振興センター内)
Address In the Kurume Regional Industry Promotion Center; 5-8-5 Higashi Aikawa, Kurume City, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 0942-44-3701(久留米絣組合連合会)
Contact Kurume Kasuri Union

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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