dumpling platter


Enjoy a meal in a rustic setting with birds chirping and the sound of the river as background music!

This is a restaurant where you can enjoy sweet and set meals in an elegant setting surrounded by the clear waters and greenery of the Notori River in Asakura City. When the rainy season ends, nearly 50 pier seats are built on or near the river, and visitors can enjoy their meals while relaxing on them. The pier seats can be rented for a fee from mid-July to early September. The time spent in the natural cooler is exceptionally pleasant, and some people even take naps.
Be sure to taste the seasonal specials, such as red and white dango covered with soda water and sugar in spring and summer, and warm two-color skewered dango with soybean flour and ume powder in fall and winter. Dango soup (available only from October through May), filled with taro and vegetables, is a popular dish that warms the body after being chilled by the outside air. The restaurant also offers exquisite dishes using local brand chicken, kosho-dori (kosho chicken), and yamame (landlocked salmon).
An exquisite natural gourmet experience that can never be found in the city! Please be prepared to wait in line at this popular restaurant, which attracts visitors from far and wide on weekends.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 838-0011 福岡県朝倉市秋月野鳥196-2
Address 196-2 Akizuki Wild Bird, Asakura City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Telephone Number 0946-25-0506
Fax Number 0946-25-0258
Open 10:00am-5:00pm
Closed Wednesdays (open daily in July and August), during inclement weather
Open only by reservation on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays during the winter season.
Car Park 50 units
Access Approximately 20 minutes from the Amagi IC of the Oita Expressway
Website https://www.instagram.com/dangoan0506/

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


Fukuoka Area
Flowers & Plants Mountain & Alpen Lakes, Rivers, Valleys & Waterfalls Food & Local Cuisine

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