Iwaya spring water


Recognized as one of the 100 best waters of the Heisei era! Reputed for its mild taste without any peculiarities.

Iwaya Spring is located on the grounds of Chikuzen Iwaya Station on the JR Hita Hikosan Line. The source of the water gushed out when the Shakadake Tunnel was excavated, and in 2008 it was honored by the Ministry of the Environment as Fukuoka Prefecture's only "Heisei no Meisui Hyakusui" (100 best waters of the Heisei Era). 
The amount of water that flows from the spring per day is approximately 15,000 tons. The abundant water is mainly used by villagers for domestic use. The water is well known for its good quality and taste, and many people come from far away to draw water from the spring. The soft water of about 31 degrees Celsius is characterized by its mild and mild taste, and is said to be suitable for Japanese cooking as well as for tea, coffee, and shochu (distilled spirit). There is an automatic water machine at the water-drawing station, and visitors can draw water for 100 yen (30 liters).
The area is also home to many tourist attractions, such as the "terraced rice paddies in the Take area," recognized as one of the 100 best terraced rice paddies in Japan, the "Iwaya Shrine" designated as a national important cultural property, and a group of strange stones designated as a natural treasure, etc. From mid-May to early June, fireflies can be seen dancing fantastically in the clear stream of the Hoshuyama River.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 838-1701 福岡県朝倉郡東峰村宝珠山4031-5 JR筑前岩屋駅横
Address 4031-5, Hoshuyama,Toho Village, Asakura County, Fukuoka, next to JR Chikuzen-Iwaya Station
Telephone Number 0946-74-2311(東峰村企画振興課)
Price 100 yen (30 liters)
Car Park 10 units
Access A short walk from Chikuzen-Iwaya Station on the JR Hitahikoyama Line
Website http://en.toho-info.com/pl_view/iwayayusui.html

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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