Oshima Island Walkway and Windmill Observation Point


The observation platform in the northern part of Oshima. As you walk along the road through the municipal ranch, a red windmill is visible on a small hill. From the best location, looking out with the sea in front, you can feel a refreshing sea breeze and a relaxed flow of time. Also, the walking path continues to Oshima Lighthouse, and walking while looking at the coastal scenery is also recommended.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 811-3701 福岡県宗像市大島2797
Address Munakata City, Oshima
Telephone Number 0940-36-0037(宗像市元気な島づくり課)
Contact Munakata City Commerce and Industry Tourism Division(Oshima Administrative Center)
Car Park Yes
Access □ About 20 minutes by bus from JR Togo Station to Konominatoto Ferry Terminal
□ About 40 minutes by car from Koga Interchange
□ About 20 minutes by ferry from Konominatoto Ferry Terminal
Website https://www.crossroadfukuoka.jp/feature/munakata-oshima

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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