FUKUDAI Translation Company

FUKUDAI Translation Company: A Trusted Multilingual Translation Partner for 25 Years

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 福岡県福岡市南区若久団地8番1号
Address 8-1 Wakahisa Danchi, Minami-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Telephone Number 092-559-3001
Fax Number 092-559-3002
Open 9:00~18:00
Closed Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and year-end and New Year holidays
Payment method VISA, Master, JCB, American Express and others
Duty free Unavailable
Multi-lingual staff English and Simplified Chinese
Multi-lingual telephone interpretation service (Fukuoka Yokatoko Call Center) Unavailable
Car Park Unavailable
Website Official website (Store)
Official website (Corporate)
Remarks We provide multilingual translation services for websites, brochures and menus for tourist attractions, facilities and restaurants

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


Fukuoka Area

Neighborhood Sightseeing spots Neighborhood Sightseeing spots

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