Sky Tea House

Sky Tea House

An old folk house deep in the mountains, people from the local community as well as outsiders worked together to renovate this home that had long remained empty, turning it into a guest house "to connect people, the community, and you" and it is now used as a guest house symbolic of regional development.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 834-1222 福岡県八女市黒木町笠原11260
Address 11260 Kasahara, Kurogimachi, Yame City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Telephone Number 090-7263-5544
Closed Irregular
Payment method VISA,Master,JCB,AMEX,Alipay,Other
Duty free None
Picture-based menu None
Language menu English
Multi-lingual staff English,Tagalog
Vegetarian menu available None
Islamic menu available None
Multi-lingual telephone interpretation service (Fukuoka Yokatoko Call Center) Yes
*This free telephone interpretation service is available in 21 languages, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask our staff.
Free Wi-Fi Yes
Car Park Yes
How to use the Multilingual Telephone Interpretation Service (PDF)
Remarks Check-in 15:00/Check-out 11:00

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


Chikugo Area

Neighborhood Sightseeing spots Neighborhood Sightseeing spots

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