Sakura Konsa Co., Ltd. Munakata salon (Please make a reservation)

株式会社 櫻婚紗 宗像サロン(完全予約制)

We listen to our customers carefully, and then try to make an all-out effort to realize the desires, even if it is the first time for us to do something. Trying some good Japanese customs are good options. But we can also customize your wedding to fit your desires. We would like you to be satisfied with the wedding that we recommend.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 811-3433 福岡県宗像市大井台25-3
Address 25-3, Oidai, Munakata-shi, Fukuoka, Japan
Open 10:00~19:00
Payment method WeChat Pay
Duty free None
Picture-based menu Yes
Language menu Chinese (simplified)
Multi-lingual staff English,Chinese (simplified),Chinese (traditional)
Vegetarian menu available None
Islamic menu available None
Multi-lingual telephone interpretation service (Fukuoka Yokatoko Call Center) None
Free Wi-Fi None
Car Park Yes

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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