Roiyal Host Maidashi restaurant


Our restaurant was born as a Family Restaurant in Fukuoka-city in 1971, there are about 240 franchise restaurants nationwide now. We offer Western cuisine arranged in the Japanese style, including Hamburger steak, rice and cheese casserole, and pasta. Our restaurant has been a part of the Japanese life style for more than 50 years.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 812-0054 福岡県福岡市東区馬出4-8-10
Address 4-8-10, Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka, Japan
Telephone Number 092-641-2507
Fax Number 092-641-2509
Open 9:00~2:00
Closed Open seven days a week
Payment method VISA,Master,AMEX
Duty free None
Picture-based menu Yes
Language menu English,Chinese (simplified)
Multi-lingual staff None
Vegetarian menu available None
Islamic menu available None
Multi-lingual telephone interpretation service (Fukuoka Yokatoko Call Center) None
Free Wi-Fi None
Car Park Yes

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


Fukuoka Area

Neighborhood Sightseeing spots Neighborhood Sightseeing spots

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