[Forest Therapy Base Sasaguri] Sasaguri Kyushu University Forest Course


The "Sasaguri Kyushu University Forest" is located at the western edge of Kyushu University's Fukuoka Experiment Forest, and is jointly maintained and managed by Kyushu University and Sasaguri Town. About 50 species of evergreen broad-leaved trees, including sudajii, arakashi, tabunoki, camphor tree, and yamamomo, and about 40 species of deciduous broad-leaved trees, including konara oak and njiki-hazenoki, grow in the approximately 17-hectare "forest.
The 2-km promenade around Kamata Pond in the center of the park has pavilions and benches made of thinned wood from the town's forests, allowing visitors to enjoy a walk while feeling nature. From the pavilion near the north entrance, visitors can view Mt.Komenoyama and Mt.Wakasugi.

Distance: 2 km around (about 40 minutes)
Elevation: About 35 m
Elevation difference: approx. 16 m

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 811-2414 福岡県糟屋郡篠栗町和田1009 (目安)
Address 1009 Wada, Sasaguri-machi, Kasuya-gun (Approximate)
Telephone Number 092-947-1217(篠栗町産業観光課)
Contact Sasaguri Town Industry and Tourism Division
Large Parking Lot Buses are not allowed.
Website https://sasaguri-therapy.jp/
Course Information

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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