[Forest Therapy Base Sasaguri] Falling Sun Course


This course was tested for certification as a forest therapy base. The course is enjoyable for beginners as there are few differences in elevation. Giant cedar trees and coniferous trees such as metasequoia can be seen, and they show different appearances in each of the four seasons. The course is also lined with cedar and cypress chips, which are soft and soothing to the senses, and the scent of cedar and cypress will soothe you. A little off the course, you can also view the "Yamato no Oosugi" (Great Cedar of Yamato). The tree is said to be several hundred years old, and its trunk is over 16 meters in circumference.

Distance: 1.75 km round trip (about 25 minutes)
Elevation: Approximately 598 m
Difference in elevation: Approx. 63 m

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 811-2411 福岡県糟屋郡篠栗町若杉(若杉遥拝堂下駐車場)
Address Wakasugi, Sasaguri-machi, Kasuya-gun (parking lot under Wakasugi Youhaido)
Car Park Wakasugi Youhaido Parking Lot
Website https://sasaguri-therapy.jp/
Course Information

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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