[Forest Therapy Base Ukiha]Walking Trail at the Headwaters of the Geise


The Geise no Genryu no Stroll Course is a stroll around the Chonon Falls Park, which is recognized as one of the 100 best water source forests, with a stream running next to the road, allowing visitors to soak up the negative ions. The murmuring of the river is very relaxing, so this course is recommended in summer.

*This course was damaged by the torrential rainfall in July 2023 and is currently not open to the public.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 福岡県うきは市浮羽町妹川3358-1
Address 3358-1, Imogawa, Ukiha-machi, Ukiha-shi, Fukuoka Prefecture
Car Park Chonon Falls Parking lot
Website https://ukihalove.jp/forest_therapy/

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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