[Forest Therapy Base Buzen] Saio no Ipponzakura Viewing Hill Course


In spring, a therapy walk is held along a ridge path to the "lone cherry tree" blooming on the grounds of the former ranch. From the top of the hill at the turnaround point, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Suonada as well as Buzen City. This course is like a hidden spot that can be entered only during events.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 828-0071 福岡県豊前市山内 如法寺(スタート・ゴール:如法寺駐車場)
Address Jyohoji Temple, Yamauchi, Buzen City (start/goal: Jyohoji Temple parking lot)
Telephone Number 0979-82-8085(豊前市商工観光課観光振興係)
Contact Tourism Promotion Section, Commerce, Industry and Tourism Division, Buzen City
Car Park Start/Goal: Jyoboji Temple Parking Lot
Website What is Forest Therapy?

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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