Nogata Summer Festival


More than 150,000 people every year gather in Riverside Park which is located near Nogata City Hall to watch as 6,000 fireworks are shot off. A fireworks launcher with a diameter of 200m launches a fireworks display of a beautiful large wheel into the night sky. This festival is a must see with its finale! It is nearly 1km wide!

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 822-0017 福岡県直方市遠賀川河川敷公園
Address Tono Town, Nogata City
Telephone Number 0949-22-5500(のおがた夏まつり実行委員会事務局(直方商工会議所))
Contact Nogata City Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Open Time of the event: 8pm-9pm
Please call for details regarding this event
Price Free
Car Park Please use public transportation if possible.
Access *10 minute walk from JR Fukuhoku Yutaka Line Nogata Station

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


Chikuho Area
Fireworks Displays
Travel Inspiration
Yamakasa festivals all over the place

Neighborhood Sightseeing spots Neighborhood Sightseeing spots

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