Kenchasai Festival at Reiganji Temple


The origin of one of Fukuoka’s local specialties, Yame tea, is said to date back 600 years to when Buddhist monk Shuzuizenji brought tea seeds back from from Ming Dynasty China, planted them around Reiganji Temple in Kasahara (Kurogi Town), and passed along the production method.
Kenchasai (or the “Bestowing of Tea”) Festival is a traditional event held every year in Shuzuizenji’s honor. The festival takes place at Reiganji Temple on May 2. It features an open-air tea ceremony as well as sales of the first tea of the season!

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 834-1222 福岡県八女市黒木町笠原9731
Address 9731 Kasahara, Kurogi Town, Yame City, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 0943-42-1117(八女市黒木支所)
Contact Yame City Office
Open May 2, 10am - 11am
Car Park Available; 30 vehicles (limited to designated parking in the neighboring “Kinoko Mura” Parking Lot)
Access By train and car - a 50 minute drive from JR Hainuzuka Station
*There is a Horikawa Bus line running to Kurogi Eigyosho in front of JR Hainuzuka Station; 15 minute taxi ride from Kurogi Eigyosho bus stop to Reiganji Temple

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


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