Goshinko (Transport of the Gods) at Taga Shrine


  • Goshinko (Transport of the Gods) at Taga Shrine-0

Goshinko is an event to transport the gods at Taga Shrine, which has long been familiar to the people of Nogata and is known by its nickname, “Otaga-san”. The ritual takes place once every three years midway through the Fall Festival (the second or third Saturday of October).
On the day of the event, a procession of people wearing colorful costumes parade through the town in the light of dozens of lanterns while music is played on Japanese flutes and drums. This procession is also said to be an imitation of the Aoi Festival in Kyoto and reminds observers of the subtle and profound world of Heian picture scrolls.
Moreover, Goshinko takes on the style of “Goshinme Kingai (a sacred horse with brocaded canopy) ”, in which a horse carries the portable shrine that the gods are transported in. Taga Shrine’s Goshinko is known as one of the rarer ceremonies of its kind throughout Japan.

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 822-0016 福岡県直方市直方701(多賀神社内)
Address Taga Shrine, 701 Nogata, Nogata City, Fukuoka
Telephone Number 0949-22-0125(多賀神社)
Contact Taga Shrine
Fax Number 0949-22-3434
Open The second or third Saturday of October (once every three years)
Car Park Available; 500 vehicles
At No.1 and 2 parking lots (Free)
Access By train - About a 10 minute walk from JR Nogata Station on the Fukuhoku-Yutaka Line
Website http://www.tagajinjya.or.jp/

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.

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