Wood Stove & Woodworking Bokunge

薪ストーブ&木工 木ん家

Here you will find displays of wood stoves and outdoor goods, and you can try woodworking.

This shop, operated by the local Tsutsumi Lumber Company, has wood stoves and outdoor goods on display. They also have a sauna and oxygen box available for you to refresh yourself. In addition to woodcraft items for sale, you can also try woodworking here!

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 839-1403 福岡県うきは市浮羽町東隈上1-1 「うきは村」内
Address 1-1 Higashikumanoue, Ukiha-cho, Ukiha City, Fukuoka, within Ukiha Village
Telephone Number 080-8953-5881
Open 9:00am-6:00pm
Closed Mondays, irregular
Car Park 10 spaces
Access About 15 minutes walk from JR Ukiha Station
Website http://www.bokunge.com/

Cycling equipment

Bicycle stands 3 spaces
Loan of pumps for sports bikes None
Loan of bicycle tools None
Toilets Yes
Drinking water (tap water, etc.) Tap water provided
Tourist brochures, cycling maps, etc. Cycle maps available.

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


Chikugo Area
Tourist Facilities Shopping

Neighborhood Sightseeing spots Neighborhood Sightseeing spots

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