Hirokawa Kofun Park Historical Museum (Kofun Pia Hirokawa)


This park with a historical museum is dedicated for two of the most well-known ancient burial mounds of Yame Kofun Clusters - Sekijinsan Kofun and Kogadani Kofun. The sites are registered under the list of Historic Sites of Japan. The first floor exhibits artifacts discovered here in Hirokawa, and the lobby area displays a replica of Kogadani tumulus stone chamber. Kofun Festival is held here on the second Sunday of November every year with public viewing of the burials and local specialty items for sale.

* Universally accessible
Disabled parking, universally accessible restrooms, wheelchair rental (one available), slopes, guide dogs permitted, assistance for visually-impaired available (please notify prior to visit).

Basic Information

Address (Japanese) 834-0122 福岡県八女郡広川町大字一条1436-2
Address 1436-2 Ichijo, Hirokawa Town, Yame District, Fukuoka Prefecture
Telephone Number 0942-54-1305(こふんピア広川)
Contact Hirokawa Town Hall
Open 9:00am - 5:00pm
Closed Mondays (open on national holiday, closed on following day), New Year’s period (Dec. 28th - Jan. 4th)
Price Free admission
Car Park Available: 80
Access 15 min-walk from Nishitetsu Bus Ichijo bus stop.

Cycling equipment

Bicycle stands Yes
Loan of pumps for sports bikes None
Loan of bicycle tools None
Toilets None
Drinking water (tap water, etc.) None
Tourist brochures, cycling maps, etc. Yes

*Information on facilities is subject to change. Please check each official website for the latest information.


Chikugo Area
Historic Sites, Tombs & Ruins Museums & Archives Festivals & Traditional Events Tourist Facilities Public facilities

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